Goat cam 1 I Goat cam 2 : Al Johnsons, Sister Bay
Door County Maritime Museum Sturgeon Bay
Fish Creek webcams, On Deck Clothing Company
Northport ferry terminal to Washington Island
Glidden Lodge Beach Resort, Lake Michigan
Northport Ferry Dock I Washington Island Ferry Dock
View from the Door County Maritime Museum, Sturgeon Bay
Lodge at Leathem Smith, Sturgeon Bay
DOOR COUNTY — It’s well known that Wisconsin’s Door County is one of the great visitor magnets of the Midwest.
And when people visit, they usually want to come back.
But what if you can’t? Live webcams are a way to keep track of the rhythms of the season in Door County.
Here are a few of our favorites:
Glidden Lodge Beach Resort
Live Beach Camera at Door County’s Glidden Lodge Beach Resort
On the Lake Michigan side, Glidden Lodge is an excellent option for vacationers looking for Door County hotels, resorts, and lodging. Their beachfront inn is located on the Wisconsin shores of Lake Michigan just a short drive from downtown Sturgeon Bay on the “Quiet Side” of Door County.
Next door is Donny’s Glidden Lodge restaurant, a classic Wisconsin supper club.
Al Johnson’s goat cam
Al Johnson’s goat cam

The goats that graze the roof of Al Johnson’s Swedish restaurant in Sister Bay have been a summer tradition in Door County for years.
The story goes that a friend of Al Johnson’s gave him the first goat as a birthday gift and the tradition was born.
Read more about the history of the goats HERE.
Cana Island live webcam

Also on the Lake Michigan side, the Cana Island Lighthouse is located at the end of a narrow rustic road that runs through a residential area. A parking lot is located on the SE corner of Cana Island Rd and Cana Cove Road. Visitors can enter the parking lot at the first driveway on the right, past Cana Cove Rd.
Because parking is located in a residential area, visitors are asked to please drive slowly and cautiously, and obey all posted speed limits and watch for children and pets. Those visiting are also asked not to litter and not to park on Cana Island Rd. as it is prohibited.
The camera is set up to take a still image every 30 minutes from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Click the menu to select a time-lapse view.
Because the lighthouse is surrounded on three sides by water, occasionally the Cana Island becomes a true island when the water rises to cover the causeway leading from the mainland parking lot to the island.
Sturgeon Bay sunset webcam at Westwood Shores
Westwood Shores has this live feed of the Sunset Cam on their property. Here’s another vantage point to catch those gorgeous sunsets and view the maritime traffic.